
London to Southampton taxi services

Private transfers by car, van and charter coach between Southampton & London

Taxi by Southampton cruise ship

How far is Southampton from London and its main airports?

For a taxi journey between Central London and Southampton, the distance is around 80 miles (130km). With a clear road a taxi should do the journey within 2 hours.

The London - Southampton taxi journey passes close by Heathrow Airport and a taxi between Heathrow Airport and Southampton should take around 90 minutes. Gatwick Airports is about 90 miles (145km) from Southampton and a taxi journey will be around 2 hours.

How much is a taxi from London to Southampton?

Prices for a private taxi transfer between London and Southampton are currently between £200-£300 depending on the number of passengers, how much luggage you are carrying and of course your transfer location in London. These prices include all taxes, parking etc. together with meet n greet at airport and cruise terminals.

Per person this works out from £137 per person from Southampton to your Central London hotel, based on two sharing. This price can drop to as little as £42 per person if 8 people share a vehicle (2024 prices).

Relative position of Central London and Southampton


As you can see from the map above the taxi transfer between London and Southampton passes several world class sightseeing opportunities, the most popular being Stonehenge. We have taxi transfers with a sightseeing stopover options as well as direct door to door car and charter coach services.

Most cruise ship passengers do not stopover in Southampton but go direct or from their cruise ship. Nearly all cruise ships disembark between 7 am and 9 am so Monday to Friday you will be travelling during the morning commute into London, so road congestion is likely.

If your travel party is more than eight passengers or you have more than eight very large cases it is likely a car will not be big enough. We have a range of Southampton mini-bus and charter coach transfer options which are very economical on a price per person basis.

Prices shown are indicative prices per vehicle from Southampton Cruise Port to any of the London airports or a Central London hotel, using Marriott Kensington as an example.

After clicking on the links below it will take you to a booking page which shows Southampton - airports. If you wish to travel in the opposite direction, i.e. airport - Southampton this is available using the same link, once you click on the appropriate link for your airport, it will ask you to confirm which direction you wish to travel in during the booking process.



Saloon / Sedan car

STANDARD SALOON CAR (e.g. Toyota Prius)
Central London £274, Heathrow £213, Gatwick £248, Lon City Airport £289, Luton £277, Stansted £332
1- 2 passengers • 2 large, 2 hand luggage

Estate / Station Wagon car

ESTATE CAR (e.g. Ford Mondeo)
Central London £286, Heathrow £225, Gatwick £261, Lon City Airport £301, Luton £289, Stansted £345
3 passengers • 3 large, 4 hand luggage

MPV car

MPV (e.g. Ford Galaxy)
Central London £304, Heathrow £243, Gatwick £279, Lon City Airport £319, Luton £307, Stansted £363
4 - 5 passengers • 4 large, 5 hand luggage

Mercedes Vito

LARGE CAR / VAN (e.g. Mercedes Vito)
Central London £334, Heathrow £273, Gatwick £309, Lon City Airport £349, Luton £337, Stansted £392
6 - 8 passengers • 8 large, 8 hand luggage

Wheelchair accessible car

Central London £334, Heathrow £273, Gatwick £309, Lon City Airport £349, Luton £337, Stansted £392
1- 4 passengers plus 1 wheelchair • 8 large, 8 hand luggage


* London reference hotel used: Marriott Kensington hotel

Large luggage: 35.5 x 29.5 x 16in or 90 x 75 x 43cm (max: 25Kg)

Hand luggage: 22 x 18 x 10in or 56 x 45 x 25cm (max: 10Kg)

On-line instant reservations enable you to book your transfer instantly and securely.

* Please check terms and conditions on booking page.


Passenger & luggage capacities of mini-buses and charter coaches

If you have more than 8 passengers in your group or more than eight large cases a car or van will not have the capacity to accommodate your Southampton transfer needs.

We offer the full range of vehicles from 12 seat mini-buses to 50-72 seat touring coaches but we also have access to vehicles half that size. With groups on cruises, luggage is often what drives vehicle choice rather than number of passengers. UK coaches are built to European traveller requirements, where one large case is perfectly adequate.

Coach by Southampton cruise ship

For the mini-buses there is a passenger capacity for up to 16 passengers and around 20 large cases on our specially adapted vehicles. For a group travelling with North American flight allowances a 50 seat coach with luggage capacity of around 60 cases will typically only be able to accommodate the luggage of 35 such passengers.

Quotations, planning and assistance for group bookings

Each group transfer tends to be unique and as a result we only take bookings by quotation after full requirements are understood and likely time-lines understood. The prices quoted below are indicative for your guidance and are not a firm offer.

We are experienced in receiving groups at cruise and airports and advising on multi- drop and pick-ups from hotels. If you require sightseeing we can arrange a professional guide whether it be an orientation tour of London or a niche interest of the group.


Mercedes Sprinter luxury minibus

Prices on application
1- 12 passengers • 20 large, 10 hand luggage

Mercedes Sprinter luxury minibus

Prices on application
1- 16 passengers • 20 large, 10 hand luggage

Touring coach

Prices on application

Large luggage: 35.5 x 29.5 x 16in or 90 x 75 x 43cm (max: 25Kg)

Hand luggage: 22 x 18 x 10in or 56 x 45 x 25cm (max: 10Kg)

Prices where shown are indicative based on on-way non-stop transfers with one pick-up and one drop.

Terms and conditions:

  • No hidden extras - Prices include all taxes, parking and London congestion charges.

  • Payment by bank transfer, credit card / debit card with no fees - Payment is in advance on our secure web-site or by bank transfer. There is no extra fee for payment by credit card.

  • Cancellation - You can cancel without penalty up to 2 days prior to travel for the mini-buses, The large coaches may have more restrictive conditions on cancellation which are made clear at time of quotation.

  • Don't worry if your flight is late, waiting times - At airports incoming flights are monitored and the driver will adjust his/her arrival time to the actual flight landing time.

  • Airport arrivals - At many of London's airports, and especially for the larger coaches the coach will park is a designated coach bay by the terminal, not in the terminal car parks. The driver is not allowed to leave the vehicle and perform meet n greet. In these occasions the group will have to make their own way to the coach. The airport terminal staff regulate this facility and will provide support if needed and will know exactly where your vehicle is located.


Tailor your own pre- or post-cruise package including hotels, transfers and sightseeing

Flexible pre-cruise or post-cruise packages are available for you to tailor your own mini break in London. Why not spend time exploring the capital and visiting all the major attractions to start or end your cruise holiday in style. 

The whole package is created by you.

  • Choose from 4- and 5-star hotels in London
  • Choose how many nights at the hotel
  • Choice of shared transfer tours between London hotel and Southampton or Dover cruise terminal or from either terminal to London
  • A fully guided London sightseeing tour with entry to Tower of London, St.Paul's Cathedral and River Thames cruise (optional for post-cruise)
  • Free access to 'London in your pocket' app

These city break packages complement any cruise holiday.

London Tower Bridge

Pre-cruise packages in Central London

Tailor your own package with London hotel, London guided tour and cruise ship transfer tours.

Book now

London Eye

Post-cruise packages in Central London

Wind down post cruise with transfer tours from your ship to your choice of London hotel.

Book now


Full day tours or short stopovers on your London - Southampton private transfer

Visit Stonehenge during your Southampton transfer

For many, the day you join or disembark a cruise at Southampton involves substantial killing time or waiting. You can easily turn your London - Southampton private transfer into a highlight of your trip.

Most popular sights to visit are Windsor Castle, home of the queen of England and Stonehenge but there are many other great places to visit not far off the direct route between Southampton and London and it's airports.

As part of a private transfer you have total flexibility whether it be just a 2 hour stopover at Stonehenge or a full day tour transfer tour perhaps with lunch at an atmospheric country pub. You can opt for a friendly driver or a professional driver-guide.

Stonehenge private stopover

Short 2 hour stopover

Stopover at Stonehenge or Windsor for 2 hours world class sightseeing during your London - Southampton private transfer.

Full information

Options to visit Southampton-London

Full day tour transfers

A full day sightseeing between Southampton and London. Your own itinerary or one of ours. Guided or a friendly driver.

Full information

Windsor Castle

Late flight solution

Disembarking ship early morning with late afternoon, evening flight?. A value for money flexible solution that avoids killing time at airport.

Full information


Stopover in Royal Windsor, don't kill time at the airport

Windsor Castle
Windsor Castle

Most cruise ships at Southampton are fully disembarked by around 9am, so with a transfer to Heathrow or Gatwick (London's main airports) you can expect to be in the passenger terminal by around 11am.

This works well if you have a lunch time or early afternoon departure but not if your flight is later. Hanging around an airport terminal is not a great way to end any holiday. So rather than kill time in a soulless airport passenger terminal why not make your transfer a memorable part of your trip,

So rather than killing time at an airport terminal why not spend your day exploring beautiful Windsor?

There is much to experience in Windsor beyond the castle, you can easily spend a weekend here. Windsor Castle is in the middle of town with shopping, restaurants galore, river trips and much more.


Windsor Castle
  • Private transfers with meet n greet
  • Depart at a time of your choice.
  • Free time, secure luggage storage.
  • Flat fee, no time limit at Windsor


Key features of cruise ship shuttle transfers

  • Guaranteed to operate - there is no minimum group size and will run with only 1 passenger
  • Executive vehicles are used with wifi and uniformed drivers.
  • All Central London hotels, Air bnbs and Heathrow hotels are visited in both directions
  • Luggage allowance per person is 1 item of hold luggage (23kg each) and 1 item of carry- on luggage (10kg each)

London and Heathrow Airport to Southampton direction

  • Maximum of 6 passengers, 4 pickups/drop offs per journey
  • Pickups mid-morning in London and Heathrow
  • Arrival at cruise terminals by 1:00pm - 1:30pm

Southampton to London and Heathrow Airport direction

  • Maximum of 8 passengers, 4 pickups/drop offs per journey
  • Meet n Greet at the Southampton cruise terminal between 0800 – 0830 am
  • Scheduled arrival into Heathrow is approx. 1030am and into central London 11am

Joining the cruise ship transfer service

Pick-up times are provided before you make a booking.

For the transfer to Southampton relax in your Central London or Heathrow hotel reception with your luggage, ready to board when the vehicle arrives.

At Heathrow Airport we cannot pick up from passenger terminals due to parking restrictions. The Sofitel Heathrow Hotel and the Hilton Heathrow Terminal 4 are linked to terminals 5 and 4 respectively. If you are using passenger terminals 2 or 3 you will need to take a hotel bus called the Heathrow Hoppa to one of the supported hotels.

For the transfer from Southampton you will be greeted by a representative as you enter the public area of the cruise terminal. airline style and directed to your vehicle. At Heathrow vehicles will drop you off at both Heathrow hotels and passenger terminals.

£106pp one-way

  • Pay in British Pounds, US Dollars or Euro
  • Guaranteed to operate - no minimum group size
  • Maximum of 8 passengers, 4 pickups/drop offs
  • Executive vehicles with Wi-Fi and uniformed drivers
  • If your ship is late docking, we will wait
  • Serves any London city centre hotel/Airbnb
  • Serves Heathrow Airport hotels, terminal drops

Group transfer quotation request for groups of 8 or over

For a confirmed personalised quotation for groups of 8 or over please use the enquiry form below.

Every effort is made to keep all our information correct and the advertised prices up to date. We endeavour to be as accurate a source of information as possible but Travellers Toolkits cannot be held responsible for any price differential between our stated prices and those of the companies supplying the product or accuracy of information provided on our sites.