
Cheapest Gatwick - Heathrow transfers indirect via London

Identification of cheapest options for travelling between LHR and LGW

Heathrow Airport Underground Train

By far the most popular option connecting Heathrow and Gatwick are the frequent Heathrow - Gatwick bus / coach shuttles that provide near 24/7 schedules between Heathrow and Gatwick airports. These are run by National Express.

There are around 80 services a day each way but please note there is no direct Heathrow - Gatwick train service. There is also no Heathrow - Gatwick shared van shuttle service.

Cheapest transport Heathrow - Gatwick Airport

The cheapest way to travel between Gatwick and Heathrow Airports is not direct, most options involve going into central London, (but there are exceptions).

Expect a travel time of a minimum of 3 hours or more, compared to an hour direct between Heathrow and Gatwick.

Heathrow - Gatwick indirect option 1

Heathrow - East Croydon (X26 bus) then
Gatwick - East Croydon (train)

Bus runs every 30 minutes between Heathrow Bus Station and East Croydon Station taking around a scheduled 90 minutes. Unfortunately you cannot pay for the journey on the X26 bus with cash.

This is a limited stop red London bus, you will need an Oyster Card or a form of contactless payment.

Gatwick local trains run frequently about every 10 minutes between Gatwick and East Croydon Station taking around a scheduled 15 minutes.

Heathrow - Gatwick indirect option 2

Heathrow - Feltham (London local bus) then
Gatwick - Feltham (train via Clapham Junction)

The 285 bus runs every 10 minutes between Heathrow Bus Station and Feltham Station taking around a scheduled 30 minutes and 490 bus runs between Terminals 4 and 5 Heathrow and Feltham in about the same time.

These are red London bus services, you need an Oyster Card or a form of contactless payment, you cannot buy a ticket with cash on the bus.

Gatwick local trains run frequently about every 15 minutes between Gatwick and Feltham Station with a change of train at Clapham Junction, taking around a scheduled 60 minutes.

Heathrow - Gatwick indirect option 3

Heathrow - London Victoria (National Express Bus) then Gatwick - London Victoria (National Express Bus)

National Express run the direct bus service between Heathrow and Gatwick, but they also run separate services, their Gatwick - London bus and their Heathrow - London bus both terminate at Victoria Coach Station.

Surprisingly it's cheaper to go indirect between Heathrow and Gatwick buying two separate tickets than using the direct service.

This option is particularly suited to if you have a long layover and want to do sightseeing in London, (there is a left luggage office at Victoria Coach Station).

Heathrow - Gatwick indirect option 4

Heathrow - London Victoria (using London Underground) then London Victoria - Gatwick (using National Express Bus, Gatwick Express or Southern trains)

The Heathrow London Underground service is the cheapest option between Heathrow Airport and Central London. Victoria has the best choice of options between Gatwick and London.

A straight compromise choice between speed and cost between the Gatwick Airport BusGatwick Express train or Southern Trains stopping trains. Underground trains run around every 5 minutes and take about an hour to Victoria from Heathrow with a change of train at Barons Court.



Woman in a train

Book in advance and save money on your train journey

• UK buses • Eurostar • Virgin trains

Longer stopover in London

If you are staying overnight or just wanting a stopover then London Victoria is the benchmark location to head for. There is a choice of rail or bus between Gatwick and Victoria and the Underground or National Express coach between Victoria and Heathrow.

If you are on a budget and want to stay overnight, then Kings Cross St Pancras is a good alternative to Victoria hotels to consider. There is a direct Thameslink train between St Pancras and Gatwick and the Underground will take you direct between Kings Cross St Pancras and Heathrow.

Other good alternatives to look at are Paddington and Kensington, both with quite good links to both Heathrow and Gatwick, but not direct both ways.

Heathrow - central London by public transport options

Gatwick - central London by public transport options

Free Time at airport? - Visit Windsor as it's close, convenient & good value

Windsor Castle
Visit Windsor Castle as stopover before Heathrow

If you have a late flight out of Heathrow or a long stopover, killing time at the airport is something most people dread.

A much more attractive proposition is to spend your free time in the attractive town of Windsor, just a few miles from Heathrow Airport. Windsor Castle (pictured) is what it is famous for but there is much much more to Windsor and Eton than the castle. We have flexible packages for all group sizes.

A luggage storage service is available whilst you are in Windsor and there is a flat fee rate, no matter how much or little time you spend in Windsor - no waiting time charges apply.

The stopover solution is a private solution customised to every customer. This is not a public tour with set operating times.

Windsor stopover / late flight solution details

Semi-independent or guided tour transfers

Quotation form for private transfer between Heathrow and Gatwick

We can customise a day or half day to remember reflecting your personal interests whether there are two or two hundred of you.

We love working with our customers to understand their interests and time-scales and provide a customised itinerary that fits your schedule and pocket. So fill in the enquiry form below with as much detail as you can.

If you just want transport we can do that too. We'll transport you into London, perhaps do a one hour orientation tour and drop you off at a place of your choosing. At an agreed time and place we'll then come and pick you up again. If you have luggage we'll take care of that too.

If you know exactly what you want, all the better.

Every effort is made to keep all our information correct and the advertised prices up to date. We endeavour to be as accurate a source of information as possible but Travellers Toolkits cannot be held responsible for any price differential between our stated prices and those of the companies supplying the product or accuracy of information provided on our sites.